
Cram the Car for a Good Cause

This February, coinciding with National Canned Food Month, Catholic Charities received donations for multiple food pantries across the diocese, including Decatur, Carlinville, and Effingham Catholic Charities. These donations came from the HSHS Cram the Car food drive. Several years ago, HSHS bereavement supervisor and food drive organizer Valerie Engelbart came together with her team to discuss the food crisis their patients faced.

From this discussion, the nurses organized the first food drive in Effingham, soon expanding to include nine HSHS hospitals across Illinois. These drives help restock local food pantries, including the many Catholic Charities food pantries, after the holiday season, when many pantries are low on critical supplies.

Donations are not restricted to food, however. Paper products, soap, and other hygiene products are also welcome. In February 2023, Effingham Catholic Charities received a monetary donation from the event that helps the pantry continue to serve those in need. To help us fight food insecurity in your community today, Click Here to visit the Donate page and select "Food Pantry” from the “Program” dropdown or Click Here to view our wishlists.

Click here to learn more about Catholic Charities food pantries

Click here to read more about Cram the Car