Take The Pledge

As we celebrate and reflect on the first 100 years of Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, we must also look forward in order to ensure that Catholic Charities will be there for future generations of families and people in need.
The Catholic Charities Centennial Legacy Pledge is a commitment of your intention to remember Catholic Charities in your will or estate planning. Providing legacy gifts and bequests to Catholic Charities will have a significant impact on our ability to extend our mission well into the next century of our existence.
The Centennial Legacy Pledge is not a legal obligation but rather a “self-binding” intention to leave your indelible thumbprint on the future viability and success of Catholic Charities. Legacy gifts are critically important to help Catholic Charities sustain existing services, develop new programming, persevere through unexpected financial challenges and become less reliant on government revenue. During our first 100 years, the generosity of people like you has enabled Catholic Charities to serve literally tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters facing crisis. Your pledge will forever associate you with this divinely inspired mission to extend the love and mercy of Jesus to all of God’s children. Here are a few important facts about “Taking The Pledge.”
· The Centennial Legacy Pledge is not legally binding. It is merely the confirmation of an intention.
· You will not be asked to indicate a gift amount when taking the Centennial Legacy Pledge.
· There is no minimum requirement for a pledge – no gift is too small and every gift makes a difference!
· You will never be contacted about your pledge other than a sincere “thank you” from Catholic Charities!
· You can direct your legacy gift to any specific program or area office or for general “best use” purposes.
· Unless otherwise directed by you, your pledge commitment will be completely anonymous.
· Your legacy pledge can be fulfilled sooner through immediate planned giving options such as gifts of stock, IRA distributions or charitable annuities. Please contact us for more information about these types of gifts at 217.321.8304 or drake@cc.dio.org. Click here for more information on wills and estate planning.
We humbly ask you at this time to take the Catholic Charities Centennial Legacy Pledge to ensure a bright and hopeful future for everyone who comes to our doors needing divine mercy and love.
Yes, I want to take the Centennial Legacy Pledge