



      Serves Greene, Macoupin and Montgomery counties

      Area Director: Deacon Sean Caveny caveny_cccarl@cc.dio.org

      525 W 2nd S St
      Carlinville, IL 62626
      (217) 854-4511
      Fax: (217) 854-8049

      Resale Store
      20 Carlinville Plaza
      Carlinville, IL 62626


Intact Family Services: Works under a DCFS contract to provide services to families who have experienced child abuse and or neglect. Cases are referred from DCFS.

Legal Services: Help people with little to no income in obtaining pro bono legal assistance from area lawyers in specialized fields while also providing guidance to our clients in order to get the assistance they need right now.

Mobile Food Pantry: Provides food to rural communities in Greene, Macoupin, and Montgomery counties who experience food insecurity. The Mobile Food Pantry directly delivers to these communities in the Mobile Food Pantry truck.

Resource Information and Referral: Assists families and individuals with resources specific to their crisis, including Catholic Charities programs as well as other programs in the surrounding communities.

Thrift Store: is located at 20 Carlinville Plaza. Hours are Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon.  Phone: 217-854-3029

Court/DHS Approved Classes

Anger Management: A twelve-hour court-approved class, this course is completed over a six-week period. For more information and how to enroll, please contact the office.

Life Skills: An 18-hour DHS-approved class, completed over an 8-week period. For more information or how to enroll, please contact the office.

Parenting: Offered in two versions, depending on the reason for participating. Taught in a 12-hour court-approved class, completed over a six-week period, or four-hour court-approved class, completed in two sessions. For more information and how to enroll, please contact the office. 

Advisory Board Members

LuAnn Baines, William Borklund (Finance Officer), Peg Broaddus, Lige Daley (President), Jeremiah Kibe, Ann Kibe (Vice President), Myrna McKee, Jill Murphy, Denise Roth, & Paul Roth