
Centennial Magnificat Honorees

On Saturday, March 1, 2025, we marked our centennial with a celebratory banquet at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. To show our gratitude to those whose dedicated efforts have sustained our mission of mercy for 100 years, we awarded several notable community members the Magnificat Award.

The Magnificat Award is a diocesan recognition established by the Most Reverend George J. Lucas on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois in 2002. The medal depicts an image of Mary and the Child Jesus taken from the icon, commissioned for the diocesan sesquicentennial, of "The Mother of God, the Life-Giving Spring." The reverse bears the diocesan shield and the inscription "For Outstanding Service to God and Neighbor." The award is continued in this bestowal by Bishop Thomas John Paprocki on this, the 100th anniversary of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.

Jan and Patty Anderson 

Jan and Patty Anderson are true exemplars of commitment and compassion, having dedicated a combined 90 years to the Meals on Wheels program. Their service goes beyond delivering hot, nutritious meals—they bring compassion, love, and mercy to every home they visit. The Andersons inspire others with their unwavering dedication, even recruiting volunteers from their parish each year. Their loving example has had a profound impact, setting a standard of service that continues to inspire all who encounter it. 

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Karen and Bill Hardesty 

Karen and Bill Hardesty have dedicated an incredible 25,000 service hours to the Mattoon Catholic Charities Boomerang Blessings Resale Store since its inception. Volunteering 3-4 days a week, Bill works in the maintenance shop, repairing furniture and bikes—often at his own expense. Karen oversees the extensive book area and helps sort and clean toys for sale. Their unwavering commitment and teamwork have made them indispensable, with Bill and Karen always willing to do whatever it takes to serve those in need, earning praise from Area Director Josh Benton. 


Sr. MaryAnn Falbe 

Sister MaryAnn Falbe has dedicated her life to the Church and the service of the poor. With degrees in nursing and certifications in spiritual direction and law, she has served in various roles, including at sponsored hospitals in Springfield, Litchfield, Green Bay, and Decatur. Additionally, she has volunteered with Springfield Catholic Charities for over two decades; providing critical medical care to low-income children at the St. Clare’s Clinic and supporting families in crisis through the Crisis Assistance program. Known for her kindness and compassion, she has touched countless lives. Sister MaryAnn’s selfless service is a true reflection of Catholic Charities' mission to “extend to all the healing and empowering presence of Jesus.” 



PJ Staab & Family 

PJ Staab has made significant contributions to both the Church and the Springfield community throughout his life. He played a key role in the renovation of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and has been a dedicated supporter of the Hospital Sisters’ Mission Outreach and Catholic Radio. As a 4th Degree Knight and a member of the Equestrian Order of the Knights of the Holy Sepulcher, he helps raise funds for the restoration of churches in the Holy Land. The Staab Family believe everyone deserves to be treated with dignity at death regardless of their means. 
Notably, the Staab family were major benefactors in the 1990s, making the new St. John’s Breadline facility a reality. His frequent donations to the Holy Family Food Pantry reflect his ongoing commitment to those facing food insecurity in our community. 

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Don Norton 

Don Norton epitomizes what it means to be a dedicated board member. His service on the Advisory Boards of both Madison County Catholic Charities and the Catholic Children’s Home has made a significant impact on the lives of abused and neglected children, as well as families in need. Don is a goal-oriented, no-nonsense man who treats everyone with kindness and respect. His philanthropic leadership and generosity are an inspiration, and alongside his wife Marilyn, he also adopted two children through Catholic Charities, fulfilling a lifetime commitment as loving parents. 



Manny Trupiano & Joe’s Pizza and Pasta 

Manny Trupiano and his family have been dedicated supporters of Effingham Catholic Charities since 2005. As the owners of Joe’s Pizza & Pasta, they host and sponsor a spaghetti fundraiser each year, raising over $165,000 to benefit those in need in the Effingham area since its inception. The Trupiano family’s commitment extends beyond sponsoring, as they actively volunteer at the event, involving their children and employees. In 2022, they added another successful fundraiser, Eat & Bail, which has raised over $50,000. Manny and his family exemplify how a successful business can remain grounded in service to others. 



Hospital Sisters of St. Francis 

The histories of Catholic Charities and the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis have been intertwined since our very beginning. St. John’s Hospital in Springfield was the original sponsor of the St John’s Breadline, providing food to those suffering the effects of the Great Depression every day at the back door of the hospital’s kitchen, and later helping to establish the first indoor Breadline. In the early 2000s, the Hospital Sisters sponsored the opening of the St. Francis Community Clinic in Beardstown to address rural healthcare needs. Their generosity also played a crucial role in establishing the Bread of Life Endowment for the Breadline in 2004. The Sisters have contributed to the Catholic Charities Health Connect program and regularly donate to the Crisis Assistance program. 



St. Louise de Marrillac Guild - Ladies of Charity  

The Society of Ladies of Charity, led by Elizabeth Kuhlman, and founded just a month after Catholic Social Service in 1925, was tasked with providing for the poor both physically and spiritually. All funds from their socials, card parties, and monthly dues were donated to Catholic Social Service, making them our first sustaining donors. Over the years, various branches, including the St. Elizabeth Circle and Camillus Circle, were formed to assist the poor and lonely. In 1933, the St. Louis de Marillac Guild was created to support children in Catholic Charities' care. For 92 years, this compassionate group has raised tens of thousands of dollars to support disadvantaged children in the Springfield area. 



Dr. John Scott 

In 2001, Dr. John Scott of the Quincy Medical Group learned that one of his patients was not taking his medications because he could not afford them. Upon further investigation, he learned many people had to choose between life-saving medicine and groceries. Dr. Scott decided to take action and the Bridge the Gap fundraiser was born. The Quincy Catholic Charities MedAssist program was named as the beneficiary. Over the next 20 years, the Bridge the Gap fundraiser provided Quincy Catholic Charities with over $900,000 enabling the MedAssist program to secure over 55,000 free prescriptions valued at $19M for hundreds of clients in the Quincy area.   



Brian Byers and Kevin Breheny 

Brian Byers and Kevin Breheny are the co-founders of the WSOY Community Food Drive, one of the largest food drives in the country and a cornerstone of Decatur's fight against hunger. Starting in 1999, they united businesses, schools, churches, and the public to address hunger in the Decatur community. Their efforts have led to exponential growth, with the drive now benefiting over 30 agencies, including Decatur Catholic Charities. Since its inception, the WSOY food drive has raised approximately $1.4 million and provided tens of thousands of pounds of food to support vital programs like the Food Pantry, Mobile Food Pantry, and Meals on Wheels. Brian and Kevin’s work has inspired an entire community and created a lasting legacy of compassion and generosity. 



Lastly, the Centennial Flame Award was presented to Executive Director Steve Roach on behalf of the employees of Catholic Charities; past, present and future. As we reflect on a century of achievement and embark on a yearlong celebration to come, we felt compelled to honor the hard work and dedication or our fearless leader.

The Centennial Flame Award is a symbol of enduring light and exceptional leadership that exudes innovation and passion. It represents the ongoing contributions, the unwavering dedication and the lifelong influence that have shaped Catholic Charities in the last quarter of a century and will continue to burn brightly well into the future.

Mr. Roach has demonstrated a commitment to the mission of Catholic Charities, but more importantly, he ignites a flame of inspiration in others. His impact is undeniable and the lives that have been touched by his efforts are countless. He has truly made a difference across the 28 counties within the Springfield Diocese.

To quote an employee that has worked alongside Mr. Roach for his entire career at Catholic Charities:

Steve’s strong leadership has a calming effect on our staff, especially in times of uncertainty. He demonstrates compassion and sensitivity for staff and clients. He values each of his staff. The staff know he supports them no matter the challenge. In accounting terminology, he sets a high ethical ‘tone at the top’ standard for the Agency.

These words truly encapsulate Mr. Roach's leadership and reflect his definitive value that the staff are the greatest asset of the organization. May his flame continue to burn brightly and inspire us all as we enter the next century of Catholic Charities.


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