
Faith in Action

In Decatur 
Serves: Macon County

Faith in Action serves frail homebound elderly age 55 and older.  Services are provided at no cost through a network of trained volunteers from area religious congregations, service organizations and the community at-large.  Our goal is to assist individuals and their families to maintain their independence, dignity and quality of life.  Some of the services provided are friendly visiting, transportation and escort, shopping and errand running, minor home and yard maintenance, letter writing and reading and respite. 

In 2010, this program expanded to include Tri-Cities Faith in Action in the Granite City area. The program is always in need of more volunteer help. Five of the volunteers in this program have been recognized in the community for their excellent efforts.

Hours are Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.  For more information on Faith in Action of Macon County call 217-428-0013.

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