
Intact Family Services

In Carlinville, Quincy, Springfield

The families that we help in these programs are in need of additional support to help them face their daily struggles. The goal of the Intact Family Services program is to keep troubled families together by offering them intense case management and education in parenting and linking them with community resources. This program is referral based only from DCFS.

The goals of Intact Family services are

 To enable children to remain safely at home

 To ensure the safety, well-being and continued healthy development of children

 To make reasonable efforts to keep families together

 To address the issues that place children at risk

 To avoid having children separated from their family and community in an out-of home placement

A caseworker will help the family to develop a short-term, agreed upon plan to make the changes that will help keep the children safe. Many families need help with making behavioral changes. Issues such as domestic violence, substance abuse, mental health issues and housing can place children at risk of harm. Services, such as counseling, domestic violence prevention, substance abuse treatment, mental health treatment, parenting coaching/classes or housing can be provided to help in the identified areas where change is needed.


(217) 523-4551 ext. 108, 103, 121

(217) 854-4511 ext. 205, 208, 201

(217) 222-0958 ext. 15, 19, 20, 22

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